On Sat, 22 Nov 1997, Don Wiss wrote:

> On of my list owners is being plagued with "was delivered" error messages.
> He has gotten at least some 20+ errors. He can't tell exactly who from or
> who to or who by; the subject line to him keeps changing, the one below is:
> ATKINS-NEW: error report from PROTRADER.COM. Did someone post a message
> that asked for an acknowledgement that it was read? How could Listserv let
> such go through? Don.

I am sure why this happens has been explained, but nobody has thought to
tell you how to find the culprit address.  Start my disecting the error.
Take every address you have.

[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
L A Bass

Now, if you know how to read headers, this is required, but for those who
don't know this, below is the easiest way to find it.

First off, you know that the stjohns.edu address isn't the problem, so you
can ignore those.  Now, for every other address, scan your member list for
that domain/address.  Usually, you will get one or two.  Send those people
a test message (Hi, I am just sending this out as a test, no need to
respond, thanks.)  The one that sends back the error is the culprit.

At this point, deal with them as you see fit.

Hope that helps.  If you have further questions about this, don't hesitate
to drop me a line, and I will see what I can do.

.-----------------------------.  ,-----------------------------------.
| Pauline M. Marshall        /  /                --= MightyMouse =-- |
| [log in to unmask]          /  /       http://www.logic.net/~mmouse/ |
|--------------------------'  `--------------------------------------|
| I-Barc (Internet Beagle Aficianado Recreation Club) Listowner      |
|                      http://i-barc.common.net/                     |
| SmallDogs (Small Dog Discussion List) Listowner                    |
|       http://www.cusd.claremont.edu/~corchard/smalldog.html        |