>I have been watching all the discussion on ways to prevent subscribers from
>posting attachments to the list.  Why do you want to do that?  Are there
>problems created by attachments.
> My list runs on the LSOFT server and subscribers post attachments fairly
>often.  The juno and hotmail people do not get the attachments and maybe
>the aol people also (who knows? who cares?).  That is their problem.  Other
>than that I have not experienced any problems with attachments.
>What's the deal?

Rich Text Formatting (RTF) is a wonderful tool for anybody who can
actually read such information with their mail program.  However, for
anybody else, it amounts to an attachment of about 100 (probnably more) lines
of useless giberish for each message generating using thatmethod of
encoding.  Also, some lists would prefer that there be no binary files
attached to the list, either as a mechanism of file-archive space control
(binaries tend to be very large) or as a mechanism of spam.

>John Bachman
> LOFC (List Owner First Class, one notch up from List Owner Newbie).
