Adam Bailey <[log in to unmask]> kindly wrote:

>Do you already have a listname.MAILTPL file? If so, skip down to step 3.
>If you don't, start with 1.
>     1. Send email to your LISTSERV with the command: GET DEFAULT.MAILTPL
>     2. Modify the first line of the file you get back to: PUT listname
>     3. Go down to the part that starts with >>> WWW_INDEX
>     4. Modify this part to add your image tag and any other stuff you
>     5. Send the complete file to the LISTSERV

OK, I did it, and it works.  Thanks.  BUT -- I ran a little experiment with
one of my lists (where I didn't insert the code into the >>> WWW_INDEX
portion of the mailtpl), instead adding the .gif file insertion line into
the >>> $WWW_ARCHIVE_HEADER portion as follows:

>>> $WWW_ARCHIVE_HEADER  Header text for WWW archive interface
.* Set white background to match anti-aliasing for default GIF files
.* Other GIF files for different backgrounds are available from L-Soft
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#FF0000">

I expected that this would pull the image everywhere the >>>
$WWW_ARCHIVE_HEADER file was called for in other places from the
default.mailtpl or contour-L.mailtpl, but it doesn't -- it only grabs it
and inserts it on the main web archive interface page.  Any ideas about
why?  And is there any danger to putting the .gif into the >>>
$WWW_ARCHIVE_HEADER part instead of the >>> WWW_INDEX part?

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-- John