Got the Web Archive interface running under 1.8c (HP-UX), and everything
seems jake. However, the Table of Contents (if displayed) and the
individual message summary lines have a funny character separating the
Subject, author and email address fields when viewed under Nutsrape or
Internet Explorer - it *usually* looks like an Icelandic "S"  with that
funny squashed "U" accent on the top - the individual message headers
display just fine when you view the actual messages. Under Lynx, the TOC
fields just run into each other with no separation at all.  I haven't
modified any of the WWW templates.

Would this be a browser setup problem? Does a particular encoding have to
be selected in order to properly view the archive Table of Contents for a
list? I've even tried using the latest 'wa' CGI script from the 1.8d beta,
with no difference.

My users are chomping at the bit for this archive browsing capability, but
I need to get this issue resolved before I release it to the masses :)

Any ideas?

Steve Howie
Netnews and Listserv Admin
University of Guelph