Ben Parker wrote:

> >It seems to me that this would be a useful thing for L-Soft to have at the ready to encourage folks to migrate to LISTSERV.
> Contary to popular belief we don't have time or staff enough to do everything! 8-)  But we do welcome user contributions of this sort.  In fact we just received some scripts for someone who did a similar import job from majordomo
> archives.

Sorry if that sounded critical. I didn't mean it that way. I just meant it was likely a common request that L-Soft would benefit from fulfilling (more people using LISTSERV).  As you noted in your reply which was sent at the same time
I sent mine, you do offer "third party" scripts to handle such issues.

> Please mail them to [log in to unmask] and we'll put it on our ftp site with other user contributions.  Thanks!

I'll do that for my AOL Forum parser. Unfortunately, it means documenting them either internally or externally and I am unsure how much real need there is for that anyway. Thanks.
