On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:09:40 -0800, Sherry Beauchamp <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>We accomplish this by using the Prime keyword:
>*  Prime= "MON-FRI: 7:00-20:00"
>which means that from 7 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday Listserv does NOT
>post.  I'm sure that by modifying the time designation you can utilize the
>same keyword to accomplish your purpose.  Perhaps
>*  Prime= "MON-FRI: 0:00-7:00"
>*  Prime= "MON-FRI: 7:45-23:59"
>*  Prime= "SAT-SUN: 0:00-23:59"
>would work.  I'd have to RTFM to be sure ...

PRIME has 'granularity' only at 1hr intervals on the hour, so 7:45-23-59 will
not work.  Prime= "MON-FRI: 8:01-23:59" would be needed at step2 in the above.
First one should be 0:00-6:59"  You should always allow a 1hr processing window
anyway for best results.