On Sun, 22 Feb 1998 00:03:30 -0500 Don Wiss said:
>I was checking out the new 1.8d web interface at:
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/
>For new subscribers they are shown all the possible settings. One of them
>is an option for them to:
>   Address concealed from REVIEW listing          [CONCEAL]
>Will this line disappear if the header has a Review=Owner default? It
>should. We unconceal people setting this on, as we like to visually look
>over the subscriber list when there are problems.

No, it won't.  But in any case a list owner can always do a GET (or as you
have indicated, simply unconceal people before doing the REVIEW).

>Will the selections that the page defaults to be the list's defaults? We
>have a couple very high volume lists and having a digest default works well.

