On Sun, 22 Feb 1998 16:14:05 EST Roger Fajman said:
>One problem that I see with the new web interface for ordinary users
>(not list owners) is that the option to subscribe doesn't show up
>until you open one of the archive files.  Users who already know
>that they want to subscribe may have trouble finding it there.

You can add this to your front page -- see for instance


These are modifications of the WWW_INDEX template in the listname.MAILTPL.

>Also, it would be helpful to have a simple URL for subscribing to
>a list that could be referenced from other web pages.

It would be

  http://fqdn-hostname/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=LISTNAME   (NT, IIS)

  http://fqdn-hostname/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=LISTNAME       (unix)

or something to that effect, depending on your platform and where you keep
the 'wa' executable.
