We have several lists like this. For example, there is a list that
includes all faculty members. The list is seldom used, but when it is
used, the list owner wants to be certain that the message will be
delivered to all faculty members. Since we cannot prevent subscribers
from leaving the list or setting their subscriptions to NOMAIL, we have
set up a weekly job to delete all subscribers and add all current

The issue of whether there might be circumstances in which a subscriber
could be prohibited from leaving a list has been debated in this forum
in the past. In one of those discussions, it was opined that, if a list
is being used by an employer to communicate with employees, the employer
may be justified in adopting a policy that prohibits employees from
leaving the list. I tend to agree with that position.


On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Angus <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I don't know what kind of list this is.. but I can't think of a list
>where people shouldn't have easy leave of any list.