It was only 03:41 PM 2/12/98 -0500, when Jon Simmons was already shunning
the regular duties of the day to say.......
>We recently (about a week ago) setup a list with coollist and did not
>receive any replies, or any mail at all, from the list or the coollist
>admins till 5 days later.  And then only spuratic, old e-mails sent to
>the list as tests.
>Don't believe anything about coollist being up and running better then
>ever, from my reent experiances they are not a reliable service.

Yes, you are right, I just tried again and got a response, (the first
ever!) and it was from "[log in to unmask]" and said that the list I run
does not exist.
Odd, I never cancelled it and never received anything from the owners about
it being canned.  I have never gotten any email from the owners in fact.
