On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:24:55 -0500 [log in to unmask] (Nathan Brindle) wrote:

>Reply-To= List|Sender|Both|None|<net-address>,[Respect|Ignore]

What't the difference between specifying Ignore vs.
just leaving off the second parameter altogether?

| Alan S. Dobkin @ Emory U. ITD | 1784 N. Decatur Rd. | E-Mail Address: |
|   Operating Systems Analyst   | Suite 300 (3rd Fl.) |     ADobkin     |
|  Internet/Intranet Services   | Atlanta, GA 30322   |   @Emory.Edu    |
| http://ADobkin.ITD.Emory.Edu/ |  (404) 727-2766     | FAX #: 727-2599 |