>This is actually breakage along the way, probably due to a mailer that
>doesn't understand the concept of a line longer than 80 characters (my
>guess is that you're getting a CR/LF combination in the middle of the
>RFC822 address, which is not being inserted by LISTSERV).  You can
>always shorten up the MYORG variable in the site configuration file
>but you can't remove the "L-Soft list server at " and "(1.8c)" parts
>of the string.
Thanks, Nathan, for the suggestion.  I shortened MYORG to SLU but was
still unsuccessful.  I get the same error message:  unmatched parentheses

Our cc:Mail forms the To: as below:
  To: "[log in to unmask] (L-Soft list server" <[log in to unmask]
    (L-Soft list server>

even though it sets the following:
  Author: [log in to unmask] (L-Soft list server at SLU (1.8c))

I understand that this is a problem with cc:Mail...one of many that we
have...but was still hoping there was a cure.  For now I am advising
list owners to manually address their replies.

Thanks again,
-- Helen

Helen P. Nulty      phone:  315-379-5979  Fax:  315-379-7420
Systems Manager                  e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
St. Lawrence University            OR     [log in to unmask]
Computer Operations, Launders Computing Center
Canton, NY  13617