(posted also to bit.admin)

As best I can determine (based on my mailing list), mail is flowing from
usenet to the mailing list.  But it is not working in the reverse
direction - mail from the mailing lists is not getting through the
gateway to usenet.  This started on Tuesday 4/21.

On Saturday 4/25 I sent the above info to AU.  Peter at AU forwarded
my message to the Unix guys who maintain some aspect of the machines
or gateway (Peter is no longer involved).

I sent a followup message to these two early this week.  They have not
contacted me nor have they posted any followup information to bit.admin.

Now, almost one week later, it appears it won't be fixed, even though
it's probably very simple to fix.

To state the obvious, regardless of the situation we should all be
polite in our dealings with AU.  Whomever we contact is probably not
a decision maker.  We should be glad they supported us thus far,
even if the lack of notice and the procedure for eliminating their
gateway service has been dismal.