
        Yes, I just found this out for myself.  Acutally, the listowner's guide,
1.8c says this:

"9.2. The DEFAULT.MAILTPL file and how to get a copy

LISTSERV stores its default mail template forms in a file called
DEFAULT.MAILTPL, which can be requested by list owners from LISTSERV with
the GET command, just like any other file."

        I supposed I would be embarrassed, but I am not.  I read it literally.

However, as I went through and looked for what I wanted to changed, I
couldn't find it in the "default" mailtpl.  So, the other forms must be on
the server, then.

        BTW, I presume if I wanted to change the default template, I would execute
this command:  PUT default mailtpl pw=XXXXX, with no period?

> I was confused by this myself.  Just send:
>         get default mailtpl pw=XXXXX
> to your server.  It occured to me that if I didn't have one for my list I
> couldn't retrieve it.  I'm just glad stuff like this can be done in relative
> privacy.  Save a lot of embarrassment.
> Den Collins
> Corgi-L Co-Owner

Dan Frezza <[log in to unmask]>
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