The bottom line is that if you are migrating from Majordomo you should
use the ADD IMPORT syntax, because Majordomo does not have the concept
of a "full name" field whereas LISTSERV does.  The only way to bypass
the need for the full name is either to use one of the workarounds that
have been mentioned or to use ADD IMPORT (which will add a real name
field automatically that says "(No name available)" when no name is
specified).  Quite frankly the real name field has saved me countless
times when (for instance) some moron kept screaming to be removed from
the list and he had a numeric or non-intuitive userid at some host
(usually MCI or CompuServe) forwarded to his "real" userid that otherwise
couldn't be reconciled.  I consider it one of the best unsung features
features of the software, personally.
