Is it possible to use LCMD (on Windows NT) to perform bulk operations?

Specifically, I am trying to automate several subscription lists by
processing updates from an external source.  I would like to use LCMD
instead of e-mail to send these updates to LISTSERV, since I can then
use the secure setting of "Validate= Yes,Confirm,NoPW" on these lists
without having to manually recieve the confirmation and send back OK.
However, I cannot figure out how to send multi-line jobs with LCMD,
unless I call LCMD once for each command, which would be much slower.


| Alan S. Dobkin @ Emory U. ITD | 1784 N. Decatur Rd. | E-Mail Address: |
|   Operating Systems Analyst   | Suite 300 (3rd Fl.) |     ADobkin     |
|  Internet/Intranet Services   | Atlanta, GA 30322   |   @Emory.Edu    |
| http://ADobkin.ITD.Emory.Edu/ |  (404) 727-2766     | FAX #: 727-2599 |