Can anyone explain why we're receiving this error message?  We must have
gotten 20 or more in the last week, all for different addresses.  I
understand the purpose of the "SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE" command, I just don't
understand why it's generating an error message like this.


>Date:         Tue, 28 Jul 1998 03:51:07 -0500
>From:         "L-Soft list server at SSRN (1.8c)"
><[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Message ("System error occurred while processing "SIGNOFF *...")
>To:           Sherry Beauchamp <[log in to unmask]>
>System error occurred while processing "SIGNOFF * (NETWIDE " command from
>[log in to unmask] See enclosed traceback for more information.
>Serious error occurred - traceback follows
>>>> Error X'00000011' opening file
> -> Severity: Warning
> -> Facility: Generic error codes
> -> Abstract: File/major entity not found
> -> I/O mode: Record read + update