> >Why do you want to keep someone on the list set, I assume, perpetually to
> >NOMAIL?  why not just delete the subscription?
> I have a couple... they only want one subscription, but they want
> to be able to post from either home or work (or some pair of accounts).
> (However, I can't guess why one would want a NOMAIL subscriber to be
> unable to access the archives.  Since NOMAIL/MAIL is under control of
> the subscriber anyway, they could go MAIL temporarily anyway to do
> their looking if it were an obstacle.)

Yes Pete, yes Stan I know about these situations: multiple subs
for convenience in posting, reading from a gateway but a sub so can
search the archives, etc.  That is not what the person was talking
about, though, she wanted a block on this person, not a convenience
sub.  My question was related to her questions.

The meaning of my question was "what is it that you want to do?
what is your goal?"
