I don't know if anyone else shares this problem, but I'd appreciate
ideas on how to handle it if you do.

I run some support group lists for people with a serious illness.

Some people get support from their religion.  Other people have had bad
experiences with religion and get upset when it is thrown in their
faces.  I think that's the easiest way to explain this.

We get people on the list who believe it is their duty to proseletyze.
I was rather shocked, in fact, to find that one of my posters had
actually been given that ASSIGNMENT!!

I find it very difficult to explain that proseletyzing is a no-no on a
list that is for MEDICAL support, without sounding like I am

Has anyone found a tactful, boilerplate way of explaining this?  List
moderating is much easier if you can draw clear lines, much harder when
it is a judgment call.  Anyone have any clear lines they have drawn to
deal with this situation?

Probably best to reply privately.

Mary Schweitzer
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