> From: [log in to unmask] (Ben Parker)
> In general, all addressees of any list will get the header To: listname@host
> which is the specific list they are subscribed to.  You can change this by
> using the now obsolete (on non-VM platforms) List-ID= keyword.  Or by setting
> everyone to FULL822 headers.  You can fix the Reply-To: problem by simply
> specifying a particular address thus:
> * Reply-To= [log in to unmask],ignore
> Note that this can only setup the headers the way you might want.  Some mail
> clients are known to ignore this supplied value when making a 'Reply' or a
> 'Reply to All' and you cannot control that.
> I don't know why you have 2 separate test lists, seems like it would be
> easiest to combine them.  Or have 2 separate lists but with overlapping
> subscribers.  Or be real complex and make them both sublists of some
> super-list called 'testlists'...

I do not want to use anything that is obsolete and I do not want
the recipients email address in the "To:" field.

What I want in the "To:" field is exactly what the sender typed
in there.  So, if I have an alias in NIS+ as follows:

        richards_list:   [log in to unmask]

And, the sender sends an email message to

        [log in to unmask]

I would like the recipients of dicks_list-L to receive
an email message with a "To:" field that looks like:

        To:  [log in to unmask]

Is this possible?

And, when the user does a "Reply to All", I want the reply to
go to the sender and to "[log in to unmask]"

Is this possible?

Our set-up may have several sendmail aliases including the same
list for distribution so, I can not hard code a particular Reply-To:

I want "Reply to All" to go to the sender, and to whoever it was
sent.  Basically, want it to function exactly like NIS+ aliases
do when email is sent to a particular alias.

Thank you.

Paul Franco
Periphonic Corp.