On Wed, 23 Sep 1998 20:25:15 -0400 you said:
>One of our subscribers is getting a shortened digest.  The title line says
>"50 messages", but the index only shows 33 items (see below).  The
>individual articles are shortened too.  Any idea what is wrong?  Thanks.

 Actually, the "heading" line lists the total number of messages.
 The "Topics" line lists each of the different subjects.
 When messages are threaded (subject prefixed by Re:), Listserv,
 places the total number of messages after the subject. See below.
 Adding the (#-1) lines, "finds" the additional 17 messages.

 I'm not sure why individual articles are "shortened".


>>There are 50 messages totalling 2297 lines in this issue.
>>Topics of the day:
>>  3. Nitromethane (3)
>>  5. Methylene chloride substitute (2)
>> 10. 1910.20: Recordkeeping Requirements (5)
>> ...