Hi Ed

Well I got promises of no further misbehaviour, which i believe.  i would
like to get rid of the guy myself actually, but he keeps resubbing. hence,
only identity screening of newcomers can get rid of him, and then not for
certain, so i prefer to let him on and review his posts. the spoofer is a
nice person who i like, so i'm willing to trust her not to interfere with
my "harm limitation" techniques - so i probably wont even require unsub
confirmation unless it happens again.


On Tue, 8 Sep 1998 19:31:42 -0500 Ed Paynter <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Though you have finally gotten the definitive answer to your question, have
> you also considered: DELETE yourlist [log in to unmask]  ?  Ed

Cool Briton
I sometimes wonder if I have multiple personality disorder
But we cant agree on it
