> Can I shut this off?  These servers need not know about the
        > internal mailing lists within our company.  And, it puts
        > extra unnecessary burden on our servers.

        Unless you're pushing your server to the utter limits, I find
that the overhead for the interserver traffic is minimal compared to the
average traffic of a day's posts.  Watch the logs... it's chatty during
the night (when usually nothing else is going on) but it's a reasonably
low percentage of average traffic.

        I also wanted to apologize to all listserv maintainers on the
list for grover.ctwonline.com's absence over the last week.  I had a
misconfiguration in a SMTP security profile which went unnoticed until
Eric emailed me yesterday.  My apologies to anybody who has had jobs
stuck in the queue for our listserv.

          Scott Swanson
          Sysadmin, CTW Online
          [log in to unmask]