I can't speak for Eric but there are some scripts available for post-
processing LISTSERV logs and the new 1.8d changelogs.  The ones we have
on our site are written in Regina REXX and work on Windows systems (and
probably on Unix systems running Regina, but I have never tried to port
them--and it would take some work).  You can find these scripts under


but please note that they are of the no-support, use-at-own-risk variety.
Also note that you need the version of Regina from the NT resource kit,
not the "official" one maintained by Mark Hessling, because the script
uses some of the Win32 registry calls not implemented in Hessling's
version.  You can of course kludge this bit out--the only place it's
used is in determining the time zone for the date string--and then it
will probably work fine with Hessling's Regina.

I believe Roger Fajman had some unix-based scripts as well--a search of
the LSTOWN-L or LSTSRV-L archives will probably come up with a reference
to them.

There is also a Windows NT/95 .EXE for processing changelogs in the
top-level CONTRIB directory on the site, i.e.,


Again, there is no support for this utility.
