And the error message (indication) is?

At 22:26 10/22/98 -0500, Melissa Harville said:
|I have a list member who is using webtv and most of his posts are returned
|to me with errors.  He's usually quoting the list address in the body of
|his message via all the copies of other's headers, and this last message he
|tried to send tonight was this:
|Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; Boundary=WebTV-Mail-445401728-2185
|Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
|MIME-Version: 1.0 (WebTV)

Often times one need not quote the entire original message in order to
communicate a REPLY, most especially the original headers and signatures.
 Often all that is needed is a

SUBJECT: RE: original subject:
