Paul Clarke asks:
>I have made the modifications to the default.mailtpl, killed the
>listserv process on the server copied the new default.mailtpl to the
>listserv/home/ directory and restarted Listserv with a go bg. No change
>to the list archive HTML files :-) I have even tried deleting the lists
>archive file, killing listserv and restarting it (same process as
>above), all that happens is a new list archive file is created in the
>old format.

I don't know if it applies here, nor what version you are running, but
could this section which appears in our default.mailtpl be the answer?

.* Increasing the number below forces a rebuild of all the HTML pages
.* (from WWW_INDEX) upon the next restart. This should be done when the
.* text of WWW_INDEX or one of its sub-templates is changed in DEFAULT
