On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Brian Crawford wrote:
> Thanks. I'm already planning to use the owner manual as a resource, as well

You might also think of using the LSTOWN-L archives themselves as a
resource; I can think of nothing better for giving a real feel for
not only the technical material but the "should I" questions.

> I guess to be more to the point, I'm wondering if anyone has developed any
> sort of curriculum or teaching guide for people who are training others in
> the use of Listserv.

As to organization of your class, tough  question.  Are they all going
to have little local lists? If so there are a lot of things they probably
don't need to know.  If they are all going to have global lists with
thousands of subscribers they need a great deal more.  If you have
a mix of the two you do have a problem.  Can you break it up, one class
for the strictly local lists, one for the potentially huge lists?
