On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Stanley Horwitz wrote:

> With regard to your training program request, I have had great success
> with referring new list owners to my Listserv Primer Web page. This Web

   Queen's University also has a List Owner training program, where
a small List Owner Primer is used as part of the course and is online on
Listserv's home Page: http://post.queensu.ca/~listserv
People eventually move to the larger Lsoft List Owner manual after
   We found that actual experience helped a great deal, so we also
developed a workshop where potential list owners actually OWN a list, and
perform certain tasks as part of the training (adding, deleting, changing
distribution options, etc).  The list is called COURSE-L, located on
post.queensu.ca and you are certainly welcome to get the welcome file
assiciated with that list to view how it is set up.


Trish Forrest
ITS - Queen's University