On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, Paul Karagianis wrote:

> Does anybody else yearn for the days when you could come into work in
> the morning and have mail from Listserv telling you that it had upgraded
> itself while you were sleeping?

   I remember, at another University where I worked, when we first got
Listserv (on VM).  The person who installed it called me the next morning
and left the following message on my voice mail: "My God, it's alive!"

Of course, I knew it was *really* Eric sending files to upgrade it, but I
never told him for a long time. :-)

The only think you can do, Ione, is say what you have said here to the
system manager.  If your University is close to moving Listserv (if I
recall correctly, to unix) to another host, then it doesn't make a lot of
sense to upgrade Listserv on VM for just a few months.  Moving Listserv to
another host is often done in addition to numerous other pressing
responsibilities and once people in the campus community start asking
questions and making their wishes heard by the *right* person, it is
surprising how Listserv migration can jump to a much higher position on a
long list of priorities.


Trish Forrest
ITS - Queen's University