On Thu, 15 Oct 1998, KEVIN MCKENZIE wrote:

> How about setting the instructor to being a member of the list instead of a
> owner of a list.  Then set the review rights to only the postmaster or
> postman of the system.  This should keep the instructors from being able to
> do a review or get on the system.  If the instructors only want to send to
> the list and not receive dailly information set them as a sender.  I think

   Doing that would have the same effect as what we initially proposed
(making the faculty member the owner of the super-list but not the
sub-list), and they were quite angry with not being able to do a REVIEW at
all.  It was at this point when I was asked to find an alternative.
The only alternative I can come up with is writing something that will
create two add jobs (for user-list and sub-list) that would give faculty
member *some* access.  It just seems a lot of work. :-)

   I have argued that policy must drive technology, not the other way
around, so at least the policy will be reviewed, but I don't expect
much change other than being told to come up with a tech solution
consistent with the new policy.

   Anyway, thanks again.
