On Tue, 17 Nov 1998 08:30:09 -0600 Scott Fendley said:
>I am just starting to learn about listserv recently and I have a question
>concerning creating a header.
>I am needing to setup an announcements mailing list asap, and I would like
>to know what the recommended header you all suggest.  I am using listserv
>lite on solaris 2.6 for intel.
>Anyone have any recommendations?

7.12.6 in the 1.8c Site Manager's Manual (or 2.13.6 in the 1.8c List Owner's

>Also, if any of you have a shell script that would grab userid/formal
>names out of the unix password and format it for quiet addition to the
>list, i would greatly appreciate it.

Can't help you there but it shouldn't be that difficult.
