On Tue, 17 Nov 1998, Rich Greenberg wrote:

> On Nov 17, 11:30am, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> } Subject: Trouble Adding Subscribers With Long Addresses
> } I have been having problems adding subscribers/correcting names of those with
> } long email addresses.  The command line wraps to a second line (often just the
> } password is placed on the second line even though there is explicit no line
> } break entered) and I get an error message that Listserv needs a password.  See
> } below.  Is there a workaround?  Thanks.
> }
> } > quiet add listname
> } [log in to unmask] John Smythe
> } pw=XXXXXXX
> Try the format:
> // job  pw=your_pw
> quiet add . . . . . .
> // eoj
> I think there is a way to continue a line, not sure how.  Nathan?

As I wrote the poster privately, I do it by putting a space followed by
the password = info on the second line, then backspacing it all up to the
end of the previous line. That keeps my mail system from wrapping the
line, and Listserv seems to handle it just fine. Thus

[log in to unmask]
 pw = xxxx

and the pw line is then backspaced up thus:

[log in to unmask] pw = xxxx

Now, let's see if the line wraps when I send it to the list!
