>According to the owners manual (1.8c), when the limit is exceeded,
>Listserv sends a note that the limit has been exceeded.  On another list
>that recently went over, that I am just a subscriber, thats exactly what
>happened.  On Sibernet,  not only did my post not go thru,  I got an
>incorrect note from Listserv saying that the owner had held the list.

You are half right, and the documentation is half wrong.

When the limit is exceeded, the list is held.  Anyone attempting to post will
get a message stating the limit is exceeded.  BUT, at midnight LST (that's
LISTSERV Standard Time :-)), the day's limit is reset, yet the list remains
held.  Anyone posting after that point gets a message saying the list is
held rather than one saying the daily limit was reached.

This makes some technical sense -- after all, once midnight comes around the
new day's limit has indeed NOT been reached -- but it's flawed because it
suggests the *owner* held the list, which is certainly not the case either.

Bill Gruber
City University of New York Computer Center