Ben Parker [16:04 98-11-26 ]:
>On Thu, 26 Nov 1998 09:47:27 +0100, "Miroslaw J. Wiechowski"
><[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>I have a member who must be moderated. I can approve his
>>messages by the "OK" mechanism - or with the help of some
>>mystical 'resent-field'.
>Not quite.  If you have placed some one person on REVIEW, then the only
>option is the OK mechanism.  The Resent-* fields apply only if you you are
>moderating everyone on the list, with the header
>setting Send= Editor and if your mail program can generate these.  Eudora
>cannot and Eudora's 'Redirect' mechanism also does not work for this.

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your answer.

I can easily generate any headers by using another mail
program. I would like to know the exact format of the

Kind regards
MJ Wiechowski