On Sun, 8 Nov 1998 23:29:52 -0500 Karen Strauss said:
>The error message says that there is insufficient storage available --
>it means that the hard disk which is allocated to listserv, or at least
>that list, is full.

That message is NOT indicative of a *disk* problem.  It's an error returned
by the VM operating system indicating that virtual storage (roughly analogous
to RAM on a PC) was asked for but none was available to obtain.

Increasing the virtual storage allocated to LISTSERV might solve it.  Or,
it might be an obscure bug (if such things as bugs exist in LISTSERV code!)
having nothing really to do with virtual storage.  It would be best to let
L-Soft shoot it if increasing storage doesn't resolve it.

>> >>> Error X'0018000B' calculating type-2 CRC <<<
>>  -> Severity: Error
>>  -> Abstract: Insufficient storage available

Bill Gruber
City University of New York Computer Center