On 8 Nov 98, at 1:21, Winship wrote:

> Can one limit the number of postings per day for an individual subscriber?

You can't do that for individual subscribers, however you CAN lift the
posting limit for individual subscribers by making them an editor of the
list. I don't know if that helps in your particular case. I use it on my list: I
have a limit of 6 messages per subscriber per day, but there's a doctor
on my list (it's a medically-oriented support list) who answers a lot of
people's medical questions, so I made her an Editor (even though it's
not a Send=Editor list) so that she isn't bound by that limit. The limit of
6 per day hasn't affected anyone except the one guy who was posting
too much, so in practice it works out much the same as your way,
except that I'm not offending any one person by putting a posting limit
that applies only to him :-)
