Hi. I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction
for an answer to this.

I have a patient support list that's been around for two years (list A).
I am starting a second, related list for medical professionals (list B).
List A is open enrollment -- anybody who wants to join is welcome to
join, though posting and archive access are both private. List B is
going to be more select -- subscribe by owner, short questionnaire
returned to potential subscribers and no patients allowed, and posting
and archives private.  All of that I can manage and the manuals were
quite helpful (though a few more different types of examples and list
headers would be better).

Where I need help is that I would like the members of List B to also
have access to the archives of List A. How can I do that without
granting the members of List B too many administrator type privileges on
either list and without subscribing all of B to A and setting them to

In other words, how can I let the members of B have access to the
archives of A in the simplest, most secure manner?

Thanks for the help. Sorry I was so confusing.
Karen Strauss
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Network