Ben Parker said:

> You must subscribe to [log in to unmask] before you can set
> yourself to NOACK NOMAIL there.

and Rich Greenberg said:

> I haven't tried this, but why don't you sub to the european list & set
> yourself to NOMAIL NOACK there.

I guess my reaction is: Doesn't that pretty much negate the value to the
user in being involved on a list that is peered? There may be some
technical benefits for the site owners in running peered lists, but this
has to go down as one of the clumsiest "features" of LISTSERV from a user
perspective that I have ever encountered.  I have to subscribe to a list
just so I can tell it not to mail me anything? Brilliant.  Why can't the
list that knows far better than I do where its peers are do that for me
when I subscribe initially?

Mark Hunnibell