Good evening. I am currently the list-owner of a majordomo list for the
band "The Mavericks".  We are losing our host server and I am in need of
a new host. We have been running for about a year now and currently have
about 70 subscribers from all over the world. We are a great bunch of
people and would be heartbroken to lose our connection to talk "mavs".
There's not a lot of traffic..we may have day when no one "talks" and
then days where everybody does. I have run the list with the mindset, if
there's nothing worthwhile to post, that is fine. I'd rather have no
postings than senseless ones.  If anyone would be kind enough to offer
us an opportunity to continue with our list, please email me at
[log in to unmask] I do not frequent the newsgroups so please, copy
me on any response. Thank you.

Lori Hilliard
Nashville, TN