On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Russ Hunt wrote:

> I sure resonate with this:
> The _problem_ is the people writing that damn software.

Have you considered writing to [log in to unmask] with your complaints?
Perhaps if you organize enough public support for changing that default
behavior, Microsoft will listen.

They will not listen to complaints that are not submitted to them, or that
don't appear in popular trade journals.

Visit http://register.microsoft.com/regwiz/regwiz.asp and then click "Send
in a wish!  Suggest an improvement to a Microsoft product."  (This is a
shortcut for visiting http://www.microsoft.com, hovering over
"Microsoft.com Guide" (in a browser that supports JavaScript/DHTML), and
selecting "Contact Us".)

Alternately, click "Contact Microsoft Technical Support for help with
technical support questions."

Or even "Report a bugt in a Microsoft product."

Are you a squeaky wheel, or a silent one that won't get the grease?

Feel better?  :)
Michael S. Johnson   Miyazaki Web and Mailing List Owner
[log in to unmask]   www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/mailing-list