> You probably need to upgrade to a later beta.

Does anyone else think this getting a little ridiculous?

You can do that in 1.8d

I have 1.8d, it does not work that way.

Oh, well, *which* 1.8d beta do you have?

Ummm, I don't know, it just says it is 1.8d, I ain't the site
adminstrator, I'm just a listowner trying to figure this out.

To me, 1.8d beta has shifted quited enough to get everyone thoroughly
confused.  How about cutting it off, start on 1.8f, or 1.9 or, gasp,
2.  I mean up until 1.8c we knew where we were, a feature was in
1.7f but not in 1.7d, clear cut a simple; now it is "which beta do
you have."

Who makes the decisions on these things, the marketing department?
