Message from Gary VanderMolen [05:40 99-02-03 ]:
>>Netscape and Internet Explorer are free.  That means substantially all
>>persons with the desire can obtain a state-of-the-art email client without
>Free?  I'd like to see you 'run' Netscape 4.x or IE 4.0 on a 486
>with 8 MB of RAM.  The world 'crawl' would be more appropriate.
>Yet this level (or less) of computer is all that can be afforded by many
>people, especially so in third world countries.  Shall we restrict email
>and Usenet communications to be a playtoy of the rich and well-to-do?
>I think not.

Yes, exactly.

Email is about _communication_, not _impressing_ people with
fancy fonts, pictures, sounds and God knows what. IMHO.

On international mailing lists there are people with varying
equipment and with varying computer literacy levels. The only
reasonable thing is to seek a common denominator which is
7 bits ASCII.

Web pages are more convenient medium to put whatever
images, fonts etc. are desired.

Kind regards