W Schipper wrote:
> As list owner you have to be autocratic at times.  If this hurts some
> sensitive or fragile souls, so be it, especially if they don't suffer that
> condition when they feel the urge to flame someone.

***  *Yes*.  *This* is what I find so interesting as well.  Hypersensitive(again, one of the main
diagnostic symptoms for list members is hypersensitivity to other's
comments/behaviors etc.) concerning *incoming* stimuli, but what happens to this quality with the
outgoing response???

I think in cases where the hypersensitivity is *extreme*(ppl are at different places with this),
everything is just viewed as a harsh, personal attack, and the person lashes out in "defense".
This particular person displayed "foaming at the mouth" anger with me.

Another *very* good possibility (told to me from another *wise* source ;) is that sometimes people
may not not actually have XYZ "condition", just because they have subbed to XYZ list.  People aren't
always sure themselves...   This might explain
a *lot*...

Thankfully(understatement!), this happenstance was the exception in severity, not the norm, and
ninety+ per cent of the list members have great respect for one another, the list owners, and list
