Date:          Mon, 22 Feb 1999 22:48:29 -0500
From:          "K.V. Rao" <[log in to unmask]>

Dont know that much could be done besides guess work without looking at any
other logs that were running at the time that listserv quit. I must admit that
I have not heard of STOP before with the only way to kill of lsv being the kill
command or a total system reboot.

I ran an init.d script that I use when stopping and starting listserv for the
purpose of processing the log into usable format and I checked out the line
that is issued to listserv.... it is exactly the same as the STOP line in the
part of the log you posted....

This has got to be from an external source (other than listserv itself)....
check with your server admin's..... someone or something on the server stopped
listserv whether manually or through a cron type process.....
