When a subscriber confirms their desire to be on my list, the response they
receive from the listserv is an Output of your job "username" email message
that contains the below:

"Note:The SMTP Originator is syntactically invalid. Please refer to the
"$Additional Headers"item for the complete headers"

After this, the remainder of the email breaksdown almost everyword from the
users confirming email with 'Unknown Command"s. Why does this happen? Why
does listserv think that FROM:, On, TO:, CC:, SUBJECT, NOTE,  among others
are commands?

Does this email have to be sent back to the user? It's a bunch of garbage
for him/her to receive. It will make no sense to them...kinda like it makes
no sense to me. How can I turn this confirmation response off?

Any help is greatly appreciated,


Jeff Weber
Bridge Integrated Communications
19 Garfield Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202