On Fri, 12 Mar 1999 06:29:34 -0500, Peacenet Balkans Desk
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Return-Path: <owner-ZAMIR-CHAT-L*<username>**IGC*[log in to unmask]>
>Is the Return-Path with the inserted username normal, or does it mean
>there's a problem somewhere?

This is the LISTSERV 1.8d 'Passive Probe' feature at work.  A certain portion of
regular list traffic is sent out each day with these 'mangled' Return-Path
lines, which has the users 'address-as-subscribed' encoded in it.  This is
really the
RFC821 MAIL FROM:<owner-ZAMIR-CHAT-L*username**IGC*[log in to unmask]>
which is used to deliver a single-recipient mail.  If the address bounces (is
returned to LISTSERV) then LISTSERV can take immediate auto-delete action and
know exactly who is the affected non-subscriber to be.