On Apr 6,  2:46pm, Blaine Thompson wrote:
} Subject: Re: Pictures
} At 11:21 AM 4/6/99 -0700, you wrote:
} >I am looking for a way to block pictures from being forwarded to a
} >list.  Is there a way to specifically block pictures and if not then is
} >there a way to restrict the size of messages to a level which will
} >eliminate most if not all pictures?
} I use something along the lines of ...
} SIZELIM= 200

There is one glitch here that IMHO is a listserv bug.  If you have a
mailer that doesn't insert line ends so that each paragraph is one long
string, listserv counts that as one line, even though it may be
thousands of characters.

Again IMHO, listserv should multiply the sizelin value by (say) 75 and
fail the message if the total characters in the message exceed this

Ben or Nathan, how about getting this into the suggestion box?

Rich Greenberg    Work:  PM0RMG atsign WSPVM1.worldspan.com   +1 770-563-6656
N6LRT   Marietta, GA, USA   Play: richgr atsign netcom.com    +1 770-321-6507
Eastern time.    I speak for myself & my dogs only.        VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val(Chinook,CGC,TT),Red(Husky,(RIP)),Shasta(Husky,TT) Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue.  Adopt a homeless Husky.  Asst Owner:Sibernet-L