On Apr 15, 12:52pm, Ben Parker wrote:

} This is a server configuration issue.  I happen to know that
} listserv.american.edu is running the AIX 'flavor' of unix and on most unixes
} (what is the plural of unix?) server name is not case sensitive but the other
} directories are.  I don't know a way areound this.  8-(

If the server supports mIxEd case directory/file names (and I believe
that un*x does), can't you just make the name upper case in the file

Rich Greenberg    Work:  PM0RMG atsign WSPVM1.worldspan.com   +1 770-563-6656
N6LRT   Marietta, GA, USA   Play: richgr atsign netcom.com    +1 770-321-6507
Eastern time.    I speak for myself & my dogs only.        VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val(Chinook,CGC,TT),Red(Husky,(RIP)),Shasta(Husky,TT) Owner:Chinook-L
Atlanta Siberian Husky Rescue.  Adopt a homeless Husky.  Asst Owner:Sibernet-L