Thanks, everybody.

I found the keyword definitions section in the manual and have absorbed it.

The results still do not function as expected, though.

I changed the header to Reply-to=List.

I figured that would make everything go to the list.

What happens in my Eudora program? If I Reply, it goes to the poster. If I
Reply To All, it goes to the list and not to the poster.

Isn't that a bit weird?

I figure if I set it to List, Ignore, it will send to the list on Reply and
will send to both on Reply To All. Is that what you would expect/

I can't try it too easily because the list is slow right now, I am the new
manager, and I don't want to annoy everybody with a bunch of test



 - Bill

Bill Weylock
Weylock Associates Inc
124 West 60th Street - 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10023