At 12:57 PM -0400 4/23/99, Gary VanderMolen wrote:
>It depends on what header option the subscriber has invoked.
>"SET listname IETFHDR" would have the side effect of a 'Reply'
>going to the original poster, while a 'Reply to All' goes to the list.
>If the subscriber does not like this behavior, have him do a
>"SET listname FULLHDR".

Gary -

That's exactly it!

What can I do to set FULLHDR as the default, and where in the manual is
there a discussion of this? It surely is not in the discussion of Reply-To.

Is there anyway I can set all subscribers' options to the FULLHDR?

I will go to the manual in the meantime, but obviously I could use some
help with this.

Thanks very much again. How come you know this and noone else does?
(assuming this is right, of course).   : )


 - Bill

Bill Weylock
Weylock Associates Inc
124 West 60th Street - 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10023